Last Wednesday night, I was feeling pretty crummy about everything, asking myself existential questions like, “why am I here, what’s the point of going into Paris, I’m running out of money, what is life, who am I???” So I decided, instead of wallowing in these thoughts, I should defy them and go see something I’ve never seen before in Paris.
I chose Musée Jacquemart-André, a relatively small museum of decorative arts in the fancy 8th arrondissement. One downside to no longer being a student, is that I no longer receive free admission to certain museums around Paris. I naively attempted to use my old Parisian student ID, but embarrassingly, the ticket woman checked the date on the back and I ended up paying the full price. oops! :p
This museum has an amazing staircase! Still not as good as the staircase at the Gustave Moreau Museum though!
I really love the colors and textures of this smoking room, the rugs, the velvety sofa, and the carved wood:
After the museum, my friend and I got “the best falafel in Paris” on Rue des Rosiers, and then some yummy ice cream at Berthillon because I am obsessed. I’ve been to Berthillon far, far too many times. In only managed to take this quick pic of the felafel. It was indeed delicious.