Breakfast in the Marais

Last Sunday I made the (somewhat) long trek from the 15th over to the 3rd Arrondissement, just to have a taste of Breakfast in America. As you can probably guess, it’s an American-themed diner-type restaurant complete with breakfast items of all sorts, shakes, and a lunch menu of burgers, fries, and the like. The only disappointment? NO HASH BROWNS. Major let down. But the bottomless mug of strong American-style coffee instantly redeemed my mood.

They even had a variety of shakes, including one called “Obama” that had peanut butter, along with other ingredients. Needless to say, it was tasty.

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Paris Green Sweater + Neutrals

Rember that thing I used to do… when I would take photos of my clothing, and then post them on this blog, telling you where each piece was from? Something called an outfit post??

Yeah, I forgot all about those too.

The reason I haven’t been doing outfit posts is simply because I wasn’t able to pack my tripod, and it’s extremely awkward to attempt outfit photos without one. If you’ve ever tried, you feel my pain. Trying to prop up my camera on a chair or table (or on a chair on top of a table), also making sure that it’s pointed at the right angle, in focus, and lit well is extremely challenging and irritating.

However! I asked my new friend Katie if she’d take a few shots of me as we were enjoying the rare sunshine in the Parc de la Tour Saint-Jacques. There will probably be far less outfit posts than there used to be now that I’m in Paris, but that just means more posts on the city itself!

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First of all, I want to go on record to say: I love my friends so much. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I certainly appreciate my best friends so much more than I ever have.

Those friends that you’ve had for years, that know you so well, to whom you never have to explain yourself, because they just understand you. The ones you can sit around and do absolutely nothing with, and still have a good time.

Appreciate those friends, because they are hard to come by!

I can’t wait to have girls’ nights with them when I’m back! I heard rumors that some of them are even planning a Vegas trip this spring break. ;)

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Montmartre – Fête des Vendanges

Did you know that there’s a small vineyard in Paris? It’s in the most charming quartier of Paris (in my opinion), Montmartre.

Every October, the grapes are harvested, and while they’re at it, they throw a big party for an entire weekend. I decided to check it out on a whim, and found it to be so worth the crowds and the hike up the hill! Tons of food stands are set up around Sacré Coeur selling artesianal cheese, dozens of types of sausage, all varieties of regional wines, and even some ethnic food. My friends and I bought a HUGE bottle of homemade Sangria for 5 euro, which we split among ourselves, and I enjoyed a sausage in a baguette topped with grilled onions and peppers. We found a nice little spot on the steps in front of the basilica, ate our delicious meal, and then watched the firework show! I think it’s so great that drinking a few glasses of wine “in the streets” is perfectly acceptable here, it makes having a great time with friends that much easier.

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Transitioning – Late Nights and Soirées

As I’m debating whether or not I want to spend 50 Euros on a one-day pass to Pitchfork music festival, I decided to compose a blog post on last weekend. It was a weekend full of much social-butterlying (I just made up that word), which is quite a refreshing change from all the sight-seeing I’ve been doing for the past month and a half. It’s like I’m actually living here now, not just visiting. About time! Since I am, in fact, living here.

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Post-Modernism, or something like that…

Although I call myself an Art Historian, I have yet to fully accept the kind of contemporary art that makes me feel slightly scared and very uncomfortable. The kind of art that is hideously ugly and disturbing, or the kind of art that simply makes no sense whatsoever. I try to imagine what the artists must have been thinking while piecing together such creations, and my mind cannot fathom it.

I can understand art that follows or comments upon the chronological flow of art history, and I can accept art that is pleasant to look at, or entertaining to interact with, but I have a really hard time accepting something that consists of cardboard hanging from a string, or something that is so ugly it makes me feel kinda queasy. Part of the problem is nobody wants to repeat what has already happened in the past, so boundaries are constantly being challenged. Boundaries of medium, subject matter, morals, etc. Doesn’t it get exhausting to constantly challenge the status-quo?! It also places the artists’ own personal, subjective vision or motivation, which much of the time is incomprehensible or hidden to the spectator, above everything else, especially beauty. The concept of beauty has been almost eradicated in contemporary art. I believe these tendencies are somewhere along the lines of Post-Modernism. And it is all very confusing, almost frustratingly so.

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