Road trip to San Francisco – A Travel Diary

Last week Erik and I took Highway 1 – a short road trip to San Francisco. Pacific Coast Highway is the road that hugs the pacific ocean, dangerously close at some points. It provides amazing views along the way though, and the curves in the road force you to slow down both literally and mentally.

We stopped in Big Sur, the Overlook Trail of Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park to be exact. It wasn’t so much of a hike, more of just a pathway to a lookout point. If we had more time, we probably would have done a proper hike, but this view was amazing regardless. That water was incredibly turquoise, which is really unusual for the Pacific ocean, at least for the beaches near LA. I’m used to the water looking a dark murky green.

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Visual Diary – Return to the Native Land

I’ve called France my country of residence for almost 1 year now, and a few weeks ago marked the first time back in the Golden State. I’ve been spending time with family and friends in California, playing lots of board games, putting together folk-art puzzles, and generally just relaxing. I’ve also been eating lots of terrible yet amazing foods – donuts mostly. The family meet-n-greet is over with (most of my family hadn’t met Erik yet since we kinda eloped :o), so this weekend Erik and I will be taking short road-trip up to San Francisco together, one of my favourite cities in the world.

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The Last Bookstore + Outfit + Abbot Kinney Road

I’ve lived within Los Angeles County for the entirety of my life, and this week marked my THIRD visit to downtown… and the other two were so brief that they hardly count. I don’t give this city enough credit. I complain about how warm it is everyday, wanting to have that cozy winter holiday feeling that never seems to come, but really? Who can complain about year-round sunshine?

Michelle and I decided to go to The Last Bookstore, which is probably one of the coolest places I’ve been in a while. It doubles as artist studio space, performance venue, and even offers knitting classes. They had some awesome art installations with deconstructed pianos and sculptural sheet music! The ground level looked like a pretty standard bookstore, but upstairs is where the magic happens. Not only were the artist studios upstairs, but also “The Labyrinth above The Last Bookstore.”

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Last Week: LA, Velvet, and Disneyland.

Currently, it’s almost midnight, it’s raining (a rare occasion), I’m listening to the Swingin’ Christmas station on Pandora, and burning the Cider Lane candle from B&BW which smells like caramel apple cider. Today, I had no plans or commitments, and consequently took TWO, yes that’s correct, TWO naps, drank hot chocolate and ate a hot apple crumble pastry. Looking back, today has been fantastic.

However, lately I’ve been a little uninspired about what to post on this blog. Apart from looking back at my time in Paris, there’s nothing too exciting happening in my life at the moment, at least exciting, blog-post-worthy things. The highlight of my day yesterday was coming home to my cozy bed; I recently adorned it with some Christmas lights and a red sparkly garland. I also went to Disneyland with my bff Natalie a couple days ago, which was super fun, but usually my life consists of work and school and being a homebody. Yes, there are fun things to do out here, I live close to LA, but for some reason I never feel inspired enough to venture out of my bubble. Probably because I’ve lived here my whole life.

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An Image an Hour

So I definitely didn’t manage to take a photo for every hour I was awake yesterday, but I did manage to capture the feel of my day as it passed by. As expected, there are a lot of selfies, mainly because I didn’t go anywhere interesting. You gotta work with what you got!

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Purple Trees and Summertime Sadness

It’s only two weeks into summer vacation and I’m already going crazy with free time. And I don’t mean crazy in the good sense. I was supposed to take a French conversation course this summer, but it was cancelled last minute unfortunately. So, with my 15-hour-a-week job, and nothing else on my plate, I’ve had a lot of time to lounge in bed…and lounge in bed some more.

I used to enjoy doing nothing! But I’m so eager for the future to get here that long, empty days really annoy me. But more on that future in a later post!

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