Friends in Town: How to Spend a Day in Paris

It feels strange to say that this weekend, some friends from California were “in town,” as if Paris, with all its aura and majesty, is just a “town” that people casually enter and exit. I suppose it has kinda reached that status for me, it’s just the place I live now.

Nevertheless, I was super excited to show them around, and wanted to make sure they had the best, least gimmicky experience possible.  You can use this as a very rough itinerary for your own travel plans to Paris, because I think its a pretty good, non-overwhelming day.

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Cupcakes and other Food Fads

Cupcakes, FroYo, and Thoughts on Food Fads

The other day I was pondering all the semi-recent food trends that have swept the United States, or at least California. I can think of FroYo, bubble tea, and cupcakes, just to name a few of the most prominent. There are two things that Americans love: Food and Invention. We love a new idea, a fresh take on something previously seen as ordinary. Take fruit for instance – only Americans would think “hey, lets organize this fruit into a bouquet that people can eat, and call it ‘Edible Arrangements!” And think of Sprinkles Cupcakes, with their cupcake ATM! I can’t wait to see what crops up next… 3D printed food, anyone?

I’ve noticed that these food novelties aren’t quite as big here in Paris; The French are more protective of tradition, which is why you can find baguettes and pain au chocolat on literally any street corner. One exception is burgers, the un-sophisticatd meal you can eat with your hands, which weren’t always a staple on many Parisian menus like they are today. You can find bubble tea (for which I had a craving the other day), but usually tucked away in nondescript corners, and I have yet to see a single frozen yogurt establishment like Pinkberry or Yogurtland. As far as the cupcake trend goes, I would say it’s part of a larger tendency toward specialty sweet-shops, as opposed to general Bakeries. Popelini, for instance, specialises in fancy cream puffs, while l’Éclair de Genie makes uber gourmet éclairs that are literally a work of art.

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Visual Diary: Tourist or Resident?

It’s been nearly a month since I’ve arrived in France, and one question has been rolling around in my mind constantly – am I a tourist, or do I live here? I think the answer to that question is a definitive, neither.

Paris doesn’t have the same angelic glow it has when first laying eyes upon it, the boulangeries and rows of pretty buildings now feel normal. I still find it charming and beautiful, but the sense of adventure and discovery and exhilaration one feels when traveling to new places is definitely lacking.

I’ve been splitting my time between touristy outings, household tasks, and establishing new routines; Finding a favorite bakery, becoming familiar with the layout of the nearest Monoprix (A french supermarket), and learning to do laundry without a dryer. I also play a lot of video games and watch a great deal of TV. I take sporadic trips into Paris when I’m feeling energetic, but the bulk of my time has been spent doing “homey” things.

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The Paris Memoirs: Magical Moments

The memories that remain with you the longest aren’t the landmarks you saw or the things you bought – they’re the experiences you have with people and the feelings you get. I could go on for hours about all the amazing meals, nights out, nights in, and inside jokes I had during my five months in Paris, but no amount of storytelling skill would convey the reality of each personal experience.

So instead, in order to make this way more accessible, I’ve decided to share my top four memories of Paris, that is, the images I get in my head when I think of this city. These were the magical moments.

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Rainy Day in Montmartre

Here’s a nutshelled update: My friend Natalie visited me in Paris for the holidays, I came back to the US two weeks ago leaving some really good friends and a Swedish lover behind, I moved into my new place in SoCal yesterday, and I start school tomorrow!

Actually, I just taped 22 postcards on my wall as decoration. I had plenty of postcards, seeing as I bought about 5 from each place I visited :P

I have A TON of Paris pictures, so I think to “catch up” I’ll just occasionally post a random assortment of them for your viewing enjoyment. So first up, MONTMARTRE! the magical quarter of wonderful views, charming hills, rustic cobblestones, art, and romance.

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Montmartre & St. Lucia

I am currently lounging in bed with a cup of hot mint tea on my side table, because it’s a holiday here in France! La Toussaint.

So what better to do with a day when everything is closed, than get cozy, surf the interwebs, edit photos, and find new music?

Here are some shots from my Monday amble through Montmartre, and a music video from artist St. Lucia. Love this song, and the videography. I normally favor folksy indie music, but lately I’ve been getting into more electro-indie-type music.

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