Tenue du Jour – Black Maxi

Today I’m bringing you a proper outfit of the day, or tenue du jour in French. I was on a wee job hunt today, so I thought this comfy but elegant maxi would be just the right balance. I love the job I have now, and I’d really like to keep it, but I need some more income to throw in a savings account! If I want to move to France next January (oops! spoiler alert!) then I gotta start saving! Plus, I want to fill up my time, and a second job would be a great way to do that.

In about an hour, I’m gonna venture out to a French-speaking meetup, so hopefully others will be there and I can pratiquer mon Français.

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Quick Outfit of the Day – New Winter Scarf

First of all, let me apologize for the horrendous quality of these images! Let’s just call them “vintage” and “cool” instead of pixelated and grainy. ;)

You know those days where everything you wear turns out FANTASTIC? But you have nowhere to go and nobody to look good for?? Well, I had one of those moments today. I then thought to myself, “Hey wait! I have a blog!” So I quickly snapped some webcam photos, edited them Instagram-style, et voila!

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