The day has come / what to wear to the airport

The day that I’ve been anticipating for an entire year is finally here! Moving to France. It’s a huge step, and although I feel the butterflies, I also feel a sense of calm. The kind of calm that comes when everything feels right – like it’s all going to work out. I had a bad week of worry, fear, and anxiety, but I’m glad to say that at this point, I’m feelin’ gooood.

Deciding what to wear on an international flight has always been a slight dilemma for me. I want to be comfortable, but I also want to look like an international woman of mystery. On top of that, I have to wear the heaviest and bulkiest things in my wardrobe, since they take up too much space in my limited suitcase space. With all this in mind, this is what I came up with:

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Monochrome + Aluminum Clubmasters

My new favorite color is black. Prior to August 2012, I probably didn’t own a single article of clothing in black. I found it boring, mean, depressing, and stark. Instead, my wardrobe consisted of coral, purple, turquoise, lace, blue jeans, tights, and dresses. I was a girl’s girl, always attracted to the cute-factor of a garment.

Nowadays, however, it’s BLACK all the way, every day, all the time, in every outfit. I love black. It feels as if last year, I dressed as a girl, and now, I identify more as a grown woman. You can go back in time on this blog and see some of my colorful outfit posts! The contrast is quite startling actually.

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Burgundy Blazer at La Maison Rose

Two days ago, my best friend arrived in Paris to spend an entire two weeks with me! It’s finally the Christmas vacation, so we’ve been hitting the metros and streets HARD. But more on that later.

Today I have an outfit of the day for you, set against a delightfully pink wall in Montmartre. I’ve been wearing black far more than I used to in California, and I am embracing this ever-so-slightly edgier side of me wholeheartedly. And speaking of embracing things, I let my hair go wild today. It’s slept-on, tangled, wavy, and a bit frizzy, but that’s French! and I love it.

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